Pilot Episode: Pilot.
• Did the producers steal The Vampire Diaries stylist or something because I feel like everyone is wearing something that you would see on TVD? Also Elijah hair much?
• Can I just mention how much I am loving Faye? She is so badass.
• The scene in the forest is cute. I loved the scenery in the background. Reminds me of my home town with all the brown and green.
• Diana’s dad (I forgot his name, I’m just going to call him Elijah’s doppelganger because he looks so much like him) creeps me out.
• Right away I could see the whole Adam and Cassie intensity. I can only imagine how much more it’s going to grow.
• The glow in the dark stars on the ceiling reminds me of my childhood when I had glow in the dark planets and stars plastered all over my ceilings and walls.
• I feel like there are characters missing…but then again I think that’s just because I’m a fan of the book series so it’s sometimes hard to accept the changes in the story.
• I can’t help but wonder if Cassie got water in her boots during that rainstorm…it’s a totally legit question right? I think it is.
• Whoever designed that book of shadows or whatever the hell it’s called is talented. I totally want one for myself.
• Also the song that plays right before the title credit is whimsical…I think that’s the word I’m looking for…all I know is that it fits perfectly for a TV show about witches.
Second Episode: Bound.
• Sally totally resembles a younger Bonnie.
• Diana’s dad looks too much like Elijah, from the hair to the suit. Really he could be his twin.
• I love how out of control the circle’s powers are, especially when they get mad.
• I have a feeling that the house is going to be significant in some way...
• The crack at Harry Potter was funny.
• I want to know why the Grandparents stripped their children’s powers. Was it because of the accident that killed half the circle or was their another reason?
• It seems that whenever Adam and Cassie are together, Sparks Fly (literally.)
• Melissa (I’m pretty sure that’s her name) totally has the hot’s for Nick and I totally understand why. He’s not too shabby looking when he’s shirtless.
• Apparently a crystal gives a witch who is stripped of their powers, power. That’s new and interesting.
• Adam and Cassie just can’t stay away from each other can they? Sqeee!
• Faye totally had an outfit change.
• I love how rebellious Faye is. It’s quite loveable.
• So now you can also heal someone from the dead with the crystal, even though you have no real powers? (I had a raised eyebrow at that.)
• Faye’s little bit of quilt is somewhat heart wrenching. Makes her human I suppose.
• Diana made my heart weep a little with that insecure line and the way Adam looked at her. It was such an “aw” moment.
• According to Henry, (Faye’s grandfather) when the circle is bound something bad can be unleashed…I’m anxious to see what Evil is going to come into play.
Third Episode: Loner.
• I think Sally might have a slight idea that Faye might be a witch.
• What’s this make it or break it kid doing on TSC….oh his name is Luke….whatever he’s not really important just some eye candy.
• Sally is such a damn Bonnie it’s scary.
• I should probably stop noticing similarities between TVD and TSC.
• Who the fuck is this creepy Zachary guy and how the hell does he know?
• I honestly think Melissa takes too much crap from Faye. She needs to stand up to her.
• The whole parents knowing what’s going on and pretending not to know is quite comical since the kids think the parents don’t know.
• Faye’s mom (I still haven’t got the parents’ names down yet) has like the best line of the episode “We can’t kill everybody who gets in the way.” Golden.
• When the circle is apart they have no power, together they are a force to be wrecking with. (That is the correct phrase right?)
• Diana needs to lose the hoop earrings; they make her look like a hooker.
• I’m predicting that by episode five, Cassie and Adam are going to kiss, either that or the writers on going to pull the whole “will they or won’t they question” until the end of the season and then in the season finale we’ll see them kiss. That’s so going to happen. Just wait.
• To break the circle completely apart one of them has to get killed?
• What exactly happened to Amelia?
• And where is Grandma when all this is going down? Elijah’s doppelganger didn’t kill her too did he?
• All the awards go to Faye for not holding anything back when she’s “yelling” at Nick. Way to be a Bitch with a point.
• It’s interesting how the kids lie to the adults and then the adults know they are lying, and lie to cover up the fact that they know.
• Melissa and Nick make a nice couple…I for some reason want to call Nick, Nathan…I’m not sure why…maybe he just looks like one.
After watching all 3 back to back, I can’t help the fact that I compare certain characters with the characters on their sister show TVD. I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t be an issue if Diana’s dad didn’t have Elijah’s damn hair or that Sally looks like a younger version of Kat Graham. I can’t wait to see if there’s some big evil thing that’s going to happen. I’m hoping it’s something dangerous and drastic and causes trouble and shit. I’m so used to watching Charmed that I keep thinking that there’s going to be a demon or something that the circle has to vanquish, but obviously that’s not the case. I don’t think anything like that is going to happen in this show, but it would be fantastic if it did. Either way I’m still going to watch this show even if it doesn’t turn into Charmed. I love my witchy stories.
Until next time…
P.S Anyone know what the shipping name is for Adam and Cassie yet?