Friday, September 30, 2011

Vampire Diaries 3.03 "End of the Affair" reactions

I want to do a pretty in depth write up about this episode because of everything that happened, but that means I will have to watch it at least 3 more times.

Until then, I want to give you guys my first impressions about the episode.

First, this single episode was better than the ENTIRE SECOND SEASON. This is the amazing flashback episode that we needed last year. THIS is the episode that I have been waiting for since "Blood Brothers" in Season 1.

It was intense, emotional, funny, and shocking. Everything that this show was in the first season and lost in the second. I was worried about this episode. I truly was. I expected it to be a huge downfall, like "Memory Lane" was last season. I was afraid that it would be boring and lose the excitement that the stories in the first two episodes gave me. Nope, it only made me more excited for the story of this season.

Since last season, we all assumed that Stefan and Klaus had met before. That was not the surprise. However, finding that not only were they "brothers" but that Stefan was with his sister is something I never saw coming. Not to mention I screamed my head off when the origin of that necklace was finally revealed and is now a VERY important object.

I have to give a nod of respect to the writers for that one. THAT. WAS. HUGE. Something that was introduced in the third episode of the series, three seasons later, will become a make it or break it moment for Klaus. Well done, writers. Well done.

The other huge surprise is yet something else we have never talked about before. Me and my other TVD pals, @IHeartTVD @Snowballx @Angelized-1st @onlymystory @entertainocd @TheRealTeal @itss_simmy @sunchick116 @dieslaughing .... we have talked about and came up with some crazy theories. But one thing we have NEVER thought of is an Original Witch.

I know I'm not going to be the only one of our group that automatically went to the Bennetts. They have always been important to the story, since the beginning. And I bet everything that this Original Witch is going to be a Bennett.

I also loved all the different dynamics we got in this episode. Those scenes between Caroline and her father were truly heartbreaking. And I CHEERED when her mother came to the rescue. Loved the Damon and Elena scene in the car with her going through his journals. I am STOKED the journals are back. I hope Elena spends a lot of time going through them. It's not as if she doesn't have enough time since apparently, she doesn't do anything except brood over Stefan and pester Damon. However, the Stefan and Klaus flashback scenes were my favorite part. I love Ripper Stefan, and all the awards to Paul for his acting in this episode. Excellent.

Overall, a fantastic episode. Once I watch the episode a few more times, I'm sure there will be a few crazy theories that come out of it, that I will be DYING to talk about.

Stay tuned.


  1. I hope to God that the original witch is a Bennett!!!! Please oh please oh please!!!

  2. ME TOO!!!!!!!!!! I honestly think all this set up they have done with how important all the Bennett witches have become... it would be stupid not to make the Original related to the Bennetts.
