Sunday, October 16, 2011

Slither - Episode 5 of The Secret Circle

Jessica Parker Kennedy is such a bad-ass this episode. She has a new spot on my list of new TV girl crushes. Here's my comments and reactions to Episode 5:
  • Hello Nick. You can come wake me up for school like that any day of the week. Even on the weekends.
  • eek. Melissa must be PMSing....oh wait she's got that demon thingy in crawled into her ear.
  • I believe Grandma is starting to get suspicious and is on to you Cassie. 
  • Geez Melissa take a midol or something would you?
  • I'm still iffy about these parents....I know they are trying to get their powers back...but i'm still suspicious of them...i dont trust them.
  • Holy eff Melissa....Creepy. 
  • This totally looks like they are digging in my brother in laws' back yard. seriously.
  • I'm pretty sure that suitcase doesnt have a book of shadows in reeks of something evil.
  • Aw Grams is being a concerned parental figure. "Please don't make the same mistake." You know Cassie you should just tell her. She probably already knows, and I'm sure she can teach you everything you need to know about being a witch. Besides Grandma witches are always way cooler than mom witches.
  • His name is Charles. Diana's dad name is Charles... see I knew i'd start to remember the parent's names eventually. He's still creepy and weird....and reeks of evil.
  • Yea that's not creepy or anything Melissa.....because you know we all know you dont normally talk like that.
  • 20 points to Faye for figuring out something isnt right with Melissa. Excellent facial expression Faye. 
  • Hello Diana and Adam.
  • Whipped cream. Well this just got a whole lot more kinky.
  • Holy Jeebus Melissa. Damn Jessica Parker Kennedy. Bow down.
  • Diana and Adam, this is hot. Finally some hot and steamy action.
  • aww poor adam. way to get cock-blocked by the circle being in trouble. 
  • aww Nick i love you for saying that. "We have to save her." you really do care about Melissa dont you?
  • Damn. Jessica Parker Kennedy you play one amazing possessed person.  Seriously.
  • Finally Cassie tells grandma whats going on. 
  • Grams to the rescue. Isnt it always a grams that comes to the rescue on these witch shows? I believe so.
  • "Melissa I know you're in their. I saw you. come back to me." Aww tear tear. Nick you care about it. its so sweet.
  • A Demon needs a host.
  • The demon has now passed from Melissa on to Nick. oh lovely.
  • To get rid of a Demon you have to Drown it or burn it. well i guess that cuts down the time to get rid of it in half, because well you know on charmed, they always had to make a potion and say a spell in order to vanquish a demon. so if you just have to burn it or drown it. it just becomes that much easier right?
  • burning the suitcase in the bathtub. 
  • Oh shcnap.. now we have an evil Nick. this isnt good. its kinda hot. but nut good.
  • "Nicks not here anymore."  that was sexy hot there, the way it was said. 
  • The demon talking " I've come to do what I'm meant to do. I want the circle. I need a new body. yours will do fine." - I probably shouldnt have laughed at this line but i did.
  • The parents have knocked Nick/demon out. and now have to drown him.
  • They are drowning Nick. THIS ISNT GOING TO END WELL!!!
  • WHAT THE HELL!! Don't just stand there!!! Give him CPR!!! 
  • This isnt right, He shouldnt be dead. they could have saved him. Gave him CPR like Bonnie did to Matt on The Vampire Diaries. 
  • UGH. This is just not kosher.
  • Cassie and grams had a heart to heart.
  • "What good is magic if you can't save the people you care about?" 
So now whats going to happen to the circle now that Nick is dead? Is there power broken up? are they no longer bound? did they really burn all those demon snakes that were in the suitcase or did a couple slip out? 

1 comment:

  1. I was really devastated Nick had to die. Well, I really like his relationship with Melissa, and I prefer him actually than Adam. There are many things could be explored from Nick, and they just killed him? for God sake, is it for real?
    I am not homophobic or something, but if it leads to lesbian relationship between Melissa and Faye, geez, it's gonna ruin the friendship they've already built.
